Description: Information about the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust
Format: text/html
Keywords: Bone Marrow, Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust, cancer, leukaemia
Language: English
Title: Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Hair Trac Technology
Description: Drug testing service and information; using hair to detect drugs of abuse. Links and publication concerning detection of cocaine, PCP, opiates, amphetamines and marijuanna using hair.
ALIWEB-Title: Australian Computer Society (ACS) voting system - personal submission
Description: Latest version of submissions to various levels of the Australian Computer Society proposing that the ACS change its rules to utilise a Quota Proportional Representation voting method in its elections. Submissions made in a purely personal capacity.
Keywords: Australian Computer Society, ACS Quota Proportional Representation, QPR, Proportional Representation, PR, PRSA Electoral Reform, ER elections, election, fairness, preferential, voting systems, Andrew Freeman, afreeman
Title: Australian Computer Society (ACS) voting system - personal submission
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Australian Computer Society (ACS) member viewpoints, and some other documents relating to regulation of the Internet.
Description: Includes Andrew Freeman, Director, Community Affairs Board (CAB), ACS's viewpoint on regulation of the Internet. Includes pointers to a number of other ACS members who have expressed views on the regulation of the Internet issue. Also includes pointers to papers on this issue by membe
rs of a number of other organisations.
Keywords: Australian Computer Society, ACS, Philip Argy, pargy, Karl Auer, kauer, Roger Clarke, rclarke, CAB, Community Affairs Board, EFA, Electronic Frontiers Foundation, EROS Foundation, EROS, erotica, Internet, PCUG, PC Users Group ACT Inc., Regulation, Tom Worthington, tomw, Andrew Freeman, af
Title: Australian Computer Society (ACS) member viewpoints, and some other documents relating to regulation of the Internet.
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Bulletin Board Systems - BBS - Telstra Australia line charging
Description: A paper written by Andrew Freeman, in his capacity of the Australian Computer Society (ACS), Director, Community Affairs Board, in which he argues for changes to the Telstra Basic Carriage Services Tariffs document to make it clear that Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) are generally of a "
Non-business service" nature
Keywords: APANA, Australian Computer Society, ACS, Australia, Basic Carriage Services Tariffs, BBS, Bulletin Board System, Community Affairs Board, CAB, EFA, Electronic Frontiers Australia, Mark Newton, Edwin Parsons, PCUG, PC Users Group, Shame, Telstra, Andrew Freeman, afreeman
Title: Bulletin Board Systems - BBS - Telstra Australia line charging
ALIWEB-Title: Corporations Law Simplication Taskforce, AGD - personal submission
Description: Personal submission to the Australian Attorney-General's Department (AGD) Corporation Law Simplication Task Force (CLST) arguing for increased power for shareholders to give notice of motions at Annual General Meetings (AGMs), and for World Wide Web (WWW) access to be available for fr
ee from all public libraries in Australia, partly to facilitate access to background information on such motions. Submitted on 2 October 1995.
Keywords: afreeman, Andrew Freeman, Australian, Australia, au, AGD, Attorney-General's Department AGM, Annual General Meeting, ASA, Australian Shareholders' Association, Equity, ASC, Australian Securities Commission, CLST, Corporations Law Simplication Taskforce, democracy, law, legal, legislation
notice of motion, NRMA, Justice Street, participation, participatory, proprietor, rights, shareholder, shares, stocks, The Corporations Law, WWW, World Wide Web,
Title: Corporations Law Simplication Taskforce, AGD - personal submission
ALIWEB-Title: Draft candidate statement for 1996 CPSCU Board election
Description: Includes draft statement by Andrew Freeman, as to why he feels members of the CPS Credit Union (ACT) Limited should elect him a Director at the 1996 AGM of that organisation. Written in a purely personal capacity.
ALIWEB-Title: CPS Union and voting systems - personal submission
Description: Latest version of submissions to various levels of the CPS Union proposing that the Union change its rules to utilise a Quota Proportional Representation voting method in its elections. Submissions made in a purely personal capacity. Draft nomination statement in relation to 1996 Board
election also included.
Keywords: Community and Public Sector, CPS, Union, CPSU Quota Proportional Representation, QPR, Proportional Representation, PR, PRSA Electoral Reform, ER elections, election, fairness, preferential, voting systems, afreeman, Andrew Freeman
Title: CPS Union and voting systems - personal submission
ALIWEB-Title: Dividend Re-investment Plans - should they be suspended or changed?
Description: It is argued that in contexts where firms sometimes feel that their dividend re-investment and/or bonus share schemes are not sustainable, they should normally be amended rather than suspended.
Keywords: afreeman, Andrew Freeman, Bonus Share Plan, BSP, Boral Limited, Boral Commonwealth Bank of Australia, CBA, Dividend Re-investment Plan, DPR, National Australia Bank, NAB, Westpac Banking Corporation, WBC, shareholders', equity, dilution, brokerage, 0.1%, premium, market
Title: Dividend Re-investment Plans - should they be suspended or changed?
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Political parties in Canberra (ACT), Australia, and the world.
Description: A pilot page with information on political parties in Canberra (ACT), Australia, and throughout the world.
Keywords: Australian Democrats, Australian Democrats (ACT Division), Democrats, ADs, AD, ALP, Australian Labor Party, Labor Party, Liberal Party, Liberal Party of Australia, LPA, National Party, National Party of Australia, NPA, political, parties, world, Australia, Andrew Freeman, afreeman, Canber
ra, ACT, Australian Capital Territory,
Title: Political parties in Canberra (ACT), Australia, and the world.
Description: Gives details of the benefits of using a QPR or cumulative voting system in all types of democratic elections, in particular, corporation board elections.
Keywords: afreeman, Andrew Freeman, australia, australian, au, board, boards, corporations, corporate, cumulative voting, electoral, reform, elections, governance, Justice Street, Lend Lease Corporation, LLC, Nick Renton, NRMA, PRSA, Proportional Representation Society of Australia,
Title: Quota Proportional Representation (QPR)
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The Network Nation - The relevance of this for possible educational and general public administrative structures and strategies in the 1980s and 90s.
Description: University of Melbourne Master of Eduation minor thesis written in 1983. This is a large Web document - around 300,000 bytes in length. Presented at the Silver Jubilee Conference of the Australian College of Education (Canberra, ACT. May 1984), and subsequently published by the ERIC Cl
earinghouse on Information Resources, Syracuse University, New York, USA (in January 1985 - copies also available on microfiche from many major Libraries around the world and via Inter-Library loan - quote ERIC reference number ED 247 936).
al Trends, Efficiency, Evaluation, Exceptional Persons, Extention Education, Futures (of Society), Governance, Governing Boards, Individual Power, Information Systems, Innovation, International Educational Exchange, Leisure Time, Motivation, Management Systems, Man Machine Systems, Meetin
gs, Motivation, Multilingualism, Networks, Nonprint Media, Objectives, Open-Plan Schools, Organisational Effectiveness, Outcomes of Education, Parent Associations, Participation, Planning, Policy, Political Power, Productivity, Redundancy, Schools, Self Determination, Social Ac
tion, Socialisation, Specialisation, Standards, Teaching Methods, Technology, Tokenism, Totalitarianism, Training, Transition. ERIC IDENTIFIERS, Australia, Automatic Data Processing, Australian Public Service, Commonwealth Public Service, Communicative Competence, Computer Conferencing, Co
nsultation, Coombs, H. C., Data Processing, Decentralisation, Devolution, Educational Paradigm, Feedback, Freedom of Information, Hierarchies, International Task Forces, Joint Management Review On ADP Management Issues In The Australian Public Service, Libraries, Multipurpose Soci
al Institutions, Public Administration , Public Policy, Public Service Board, Reid, J. B., Review of Commonwealth Administration, Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration, Scenario, Self-correction, Telecommunications, Victoria, Victorian Education Departme
nt, White Paper on Strategies and Structure for Education in Victorian Government Schools, ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS, afreeman, Andrew Freeman
Title: The Network Nation - The relevance of this for possible educational and general public administrative structures and strategies in the 1980s and 90s.
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: About Our Firm
Description: A list of Hypertext Archie Servers in the World Wide Web.
Description: Information about the ISA Documentation System, a multi- platform system for electronic documentation
Keywords: ISA Documentation System, Document Management, Online Help
Title: ISA Documentation System (IDS)
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: ISA Dialog Manager (IDM)
Description: Information about the USA Dialog Manager, a cross-platform User Interface Management System for the development of graphical user interfaces
Keywords: ISA Dialog Manager, Cross-platform Development, UIMS, GUI
Title: ISA Dialog Manager (IDM)
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: ODS Toolbox
Description: Information about the ISA-Orthogon ODS Toolbox, a software tool for the development and customization of Operational Display Systems and other high-performance visualization applications
Keywords: ODS Toolbox, Air Traffic Control, ATC, Visualization
Title: ODS Toolbox
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Pays de Grasse
Description: Holidays on the "Pays de Grasse" on the French riviera.
Keywords: French Riviera, Cote d'Azur, France, Perfume, Parfum, Trekking, Canyonning, Golf, Randonnee.
Title: Pays de Grasse
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Hotels of the French Riviera
Description: List of the best hotels of the French riviera.
Keywords: French Riviera, Cote d'Azur, France, hotel, reservation
ALIWEB-Title: Physics Servers and Services Around the World
Description: A list of physics resources in the World Wide Web including bulletin boards for summer schools and workshops, and for buying and selling used equipment.
Keywords: Physics, science
Title: Physics Servers and Services Around the World
Description: David's Projects including his popular manual on Yo-Yo's.
Keywords: I.R.S, IRS, mars, venus, 477-live, 477live, Yo-Yo, Genealogy, Real Estate, Legal Searcher, Adoption, David T. Gray, David Gray, Yo-Yo's, Reinvest, shareware, ~net/download, ~net, download, net
Title: - David's Big Tree (add your URL)
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: - 477-Live - Homes for rent in Austin, Texas.
Description: 477-LIVE (512/477-5483) provides homes for lease in Austin, Texas. The properties are centrally located single and multi-family homes, with easy access to the University of Texas, the State of Texas complex and other public facilities. The homes are serviced by a full time maintainance
staff. Students welcome.
Keywords: Homes, Lease, Preleasing, Pre-leasing, Housing, Rent, Rental, Austin, Texas, TX, 477-live, 477live, Real Estate, University of Texas, State of Texas, UT, TX, Apartment, Apartments, Home, House, David Gray
Title: - 477-Live - Homes for rent in Austin, Texas.
Description: Search birth records for 1967 and other years for biological relations. Support the Right to Know Petition. RIGHT TO KNOW - WHEREAS: Sealed records, prevent adoptee's from knowing their biological origins; WHEREAS: The child's right to know, supersedes private agreements made long ago
by his or her parents. WHEREAS: The child was not a party to these agreements; BE IT RESOLVED THAT: When a child comes of age and assumes his or her full rights and responsibilities as citizens of the United States, all documents pertaining to the child's origins and/or identity should be made avai
lable to the child upon request. (by David T. Gray)
Keywords: Genealogy, mars, venus, 1967, Searching, Texas, 1967, 67, Birth, Adoption, Sealed Records, Right to Know, Civil Rights, Petition, Resolution, birthfather, birthmom, birthmother, birthmothers, birthparents, adoptions, David Gray
Title: - Born in Texas in 1967 (adoption)
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: - Market Weighted Asset Model of Real Estate Appraisal.
Description: The value of the bundle of rights, called Real Estate, is not well understood. The misunderstanding of the dynamics underlying the ascertainment of property value is one of the contributing factors to the nation-wide collapse of Real Estate prices after the 1987 Tax Reform Act and is t
he subject of much confusion for Local Property Tax Authorities and property owners. To derive a value for the bundle of rights, we might assume that the value of the bundle relates to the Sum of its Parts, but there are problems with method. An alternative way of valuing property would be to selec
t the Highest and Best Use of the property, but this is also problematic. Because of these problems, I developed what I call the Market Weighted Asset Model, which overcomes the inherent problems in conventional appraisal theory.
Keywords: Real Estate, Appraisal, Asset, Property Value, Property Tax, Tax, David Gray
Title: - Market Weighted Asset Model of Real Estate Appraisal.
Description: Indexing of Asset Values for Inflation (Court Case) - Any income or expenses denominated in other than current year dollars should be adjusted for inflation. I quote the Tax Law (See Sec. 1(f)), "Adjustments in The Tax Tables so that inflation will not result in tax increases.." I prop
ose that any expenses denominated in other than current year dollars will result in tax increases. Generally speaking, the tax on the inflationary component of income has already been paid, indexing is already allowed, big companies do it, and it makes sense to index for inflation.
Description: How to make the Yo-Yo climb up the string.
Keywords: Yo-Yo, Manual, David Gray
Title: - David's Secrets of Yo-Yo's
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: - Searcher i.e. Legal Searcher (Download Shareware Here)
Description: "Where did I put that? A safe place. I'll never find it!" Start the harddisk search engine, references appear, click, page appears. The search engine is a fast and dirty interrogator of large text files and supports multiple searches on single files or whole directories for up-to 4 key
words or phrases, simulating hyper-text associations. When searching commences, a window slides down the document. Successful matches are highlighted in the center of the window. When the document is organized according to some discernible pattern of sections or chapters, the window advances by ch
apter. You can easily toggle between the two modes. Having searched and located 'something;' invariably there is a reference to something else. Call-up another Search Criteria Window (binoculars's icon) to locate that other item, when finished return to where you started. Searching is accomplished
without modifying the source documents. Most hypertext viewers require that document file be pre-programmed manually to establish hypertext links. Legal Searcher accomplishes the same effect by using multiple searches to make the hypertext associations, thereby eliminating the need for preprocessin
Keywords: Searcher, Legal Searcher, Large files, Tax Court, Law, Legal, Tax, Interogatories, Tort, Search, Text, Large Files, Deposition, Software, Legal Software, Shareware, Computer Program,,,,, David Gray
Title: - Searcher i.e. Legal Searcher (Download Shareware Here)
ALIWEB-Title: - ~Net/Download Manager - Shareware hardisk searcher for related ideas.
Description: Searcher is a fast and dirty interrogator of large text files and supports multiple searches on single files or whole directories for up-to 4 key words or phrases, simulating hyper-text associations. When searching commences, a window slides down the document. Successful matches are hi
ghlighted in the center of the window. When the document is organized according to some discernible pattern of sections or chapters, the window advances by chapter. You can easily toggle between the two modes. Having searched and located 'something;' invariably there is a reference to something els